Am I candidate for Refractive Surgery?

- Do not suffer from an exclusive eye disease.
- Do not suffer from an exclusive systemic disease.
- Age over 18 years.
- Sufficient corneal thickness.
- Maximum graduation less than;
Myopia 10Dp
Hyperopia 5Dp
Astigmatism 5Dp
- Pass the personal eye examination.

- Study of ocular refraction.
- Measuring the distant and near visual acuity.
- Ocular fundus with dilated pupils.
- Intraocular pressure.
- Ocular motility.
- Corneal pachymetry (central and peripheral).
- Corneal topography.

Presbicia or eyestrain

Contact lenses or laser or microsurgery with intraocular lenses.

Adapt eye for distance and one for near, so that combining the vision of both see far and near.

depends on the age and the patient's eye exam.

No, just a single drop anesthesia.

Topical anesthesia. A drop Prescaina anesthetic.

No. The ophthalmologist specializing in refractive surgery, if possible, determine how intervencióny technique.

Excimer Laser, Laser Femtosecond and intraocular lenses.


Femtofaco as a novelty today.

implementing corrective lenses of the two defects. They are called toric intraocular lenses, with excellent results.

No, you can lose clarity by correcting capsular opacity Yag Laser.

using multifocal intraocular lenses.


Depends. There are lazy eye that may benefit from laser surgery. The refractive and comprehensive eye examination will determine the possibility of microsurgery.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes alters retinal blood flow and this causes problems in itself. These alterations must be diagnosed early and treated if necessary with laser or surgery. Being poorly controlled diabetes and eye damage, may have irreversible consequences.What are the symptoms

visual symptoms such as blurred vision, poor visual acuity, eye disease ... and show. It is necessary and advisable to do a thorough eye exam (previously fundus with dilated pupils ...) at least once a year, because diabetic retinopathy has no warning symptoms. It is advisable not to wait for symptoms. It may be too late.

Retinal Detachment

Yes With the prevention of risk visiting the ophthalmologist annually. The laser can reduce but not eliminate risk. There is no completely effective treatment for prevention. You should know the symptoms (flies, lights, loss of vision, ...) and if any of them to go urgently to a specialist for values​​.

Not necessarily. But since it has more risk, should be examined with the same rigor as the first eye, and immediately.

Macular degeneration associated with age

This disease does not cause complete loss of vision, and even some forms are treatable. If we speak of an advanced state may have limitations in their daily lives. But activities like watching television, reading, .... not worsen their condition.How

precocious treatment can prevent complications and restore vision. It is therefore recommended a good thorough eye exam, either to prevent or treat. The recommendation is the consumption of fresh green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, chard, etc) and foods such as carrots, squash, ..., as they contain antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin type), which help the metabolism macular.


Yes, but there may be other causes as the need for glasses, eye inflammation, ... In any case, you should consult your ophthalmologist or family doctor.

Significantly, pressure can be noticed. There is only pain when very high, but at a higher% not noticed anything, and can cause blindness slowly without symptoms. It is therefore very important preventive eye exam.

No, are independent. You can have high blood pressure with low eye strain and vice versa.

Especially is a symptom of visual field loss. Or by glaucoma or other eye disease. But in both cases requires an eye examination.

Yes. Early diagnosis of this disease is very important to prevent blindness that can lead to not put on treatment. Close relatives of patients with glaucoma should have their eye exam.


birth year, and a mandatory 3 years in the absence of symptoms. If symptomatic, since they appear.

lazy eye may develop.

may evolve if accommodative compensation with the use glasses. You can also use botulinum toxin to prevent muscle microsurgery.

Other vision problems

dilation of the vessels of the conjunctiva leads to the symptom of red eye. This can be caused by infection, inflammation, allergy ... and may be accompanied by itching, crusting, grittiness ... In these situations it is advisable to contact your ophthalmologist.

Cataract is the loss of lens transparency. The lens is a transparent lens that we have behind the pupil and helps us to focus on objects clearly. For a variety of circumstances, or due to illness over the years, the lens may be losing its transparency and consequently cause a decrease in visual acuity.

ocular alteration due to detachment of the retina separated from the other layers eye which impedes its function: to reflect the images. Anyone can develop a retinal detachment although some have a predisposition, such as myopic. Treatment is important to do quickly with laser or surgery.

Always make a first assessment at birth, the Anoy 3 years, unless there are symptoms (either eye turns), or that there is evidence of abnormal visual attitude (it about the objects or television), in which case should be treated immediately.

The goal is to retain progression to ectasia - decompensation. It can be from gas permeable contact lenses to surgery. Currently intracorneal rings are being used with good results.